Tag Archive for: Dance Classes Brisbane

Over the years, I’ve witnessed incredible transformations in my students – not just in their dance abilities but in their confidence and overall approach to life. Dance has this unique power to unlock potential, break down barriers, and create connections that extend far beyond the dance floor. If you’re feeling a bit nervous about trying out new dance classes, I want to share some insights and encouragement to help you take that first, empowering step.

Understanding the Fear

It’s completely normal to feel apprehensive about stepping into a new class. Fear of the unknown, worries about not being ‘good enough,’ or even just being around new people can be daunting. But remember, every dancer, including myself, started somewhere, and every step is a step towards growth.

Small Steps Lead to Big Leaps

Start small. Give yourself permission to take baby steps. It could be as simple as moving to the music from the back of the class or trying out a few steps at home. Celebrate these small victories – they’re significant milestones on your dance journey.

The Power of a Supportive Community

At V-Hub Dance, we’ve cultivated a community that thrives on support and encouragement. You’ll find that being surrounded by like-minded individuals who share your passion can be incredibly empowering. This community support makes trying new things less intimidating and a lot more fun.

Embrace the Learning Process

Mistakes are a part of learning. Embrace them. Every misstep is an opportunity to improve and grow. In our classes, we focus on progress, not perfection. You’ll find that with each class, you’ll gain more confidence – not just in your dancing, but in yourself.

The Rewards of Stepping Out

Stepping outside your comfort zone in dance can lead to making new friends, discovering new passions, and even unlocking hidden talents. The confidence you build in class often spills over into other areas of your life, giving you the courage to try new things and embrace new challenges.

Your Unique Expression

Dance is about expression, and everyone has a unique style. At V-Hub, we encourage you to find and embrace yours. It’s not about fitting a mould; it’s about discovering how you move and express yourself authentically through music. This process of self-discovery can be incredibly liberating.

Ready to take the leap & Join Us at V-Hub?

If you’re thinking of starting to dance and are looking to connect with a passionate community, why not come along to a free trial class at V-Hub? It’s a space where everyone, regardless of their background or skill level, is welcome and can express themselves freely.

Remember, the magic often happens just outside your comfort zone. So, take that step and let’s dance together into a world of newfound confidence!

Dance is a language spoken by many but understood in various ways. At V-Hub Dance, we believe there’s a dance style for everyone. Whether you’re stepping into the dance world for the first time or looking to try something new, the key is finding the rhythm that resonates with you.

Assessing Your Interests and Goals

Before diving into the array of styles, consider what you’re looking for in a dance class. Is it the high-energy, social atmosphere of a street dance or the refined, expressive motions of lyrical dance? Understanding your interests – be it upbeat rhythms or graceful storytelling – sets the stage for your dance journey.

Exploring Dance Styles at V-Hub Dance

Dance is an adventure, and at V-Hub Dance, we offer a diverse landscape for you to explore. Each style has its unique flavour and rhythm. Here’s a closer look at what each class offers, helping you choose the perfect match for your dance journey:

Hip Hop Classes

This class is a vibrant journey through the energetic world of hip hop. Expect to learn a variety of styles from old school to new school, including grooves, popping, and locking. It’s a dynamic class that enhances your rhythm, coordination, and style, perfect for those who want to express themselves through powerful and rhythmic movements.

Commercial Jazz Dance Classes

A high-energy class that combines the technical elements of jazz with the upbeat nature of pop music. This style is all about sharp movements, high kicks, and expressive performance. If you’re drawn to the spotlight and love performing, Commercial Jazz will channel your inner star.

Heels Dance Classes

Embrace your elegance and confidence in our Heels class. Here, you’ll learn to dance in heels, focusing on posture, balance, and graceful, sensual movements. It’s not just about the steps; it’s about empowerment and feeling fabulous in your own skin.

Lyrical Dance Classes

Lyrical dance is where emotion meets motion. This class focuses on expressing the story and emotions of a song through fluid and expressive movements. Combining elements of ballet, jazz, and contemporary, it’s ideal for those who enjoy storytelling through dance.

Hip Hop Groove Classes

Perfect for beginners, this class lays the foundation of hip hop. You’ll learn basic grooves and movements, understanding the rhythm and soul of hip hop. It’s a fun and relaxed environment where you get to groove to the beat at your own pace.

Commercial Hip Hop Classes

Inspired by the hip hop you see in music videos and pop culture, this class is energetic and vibrant. It involves learning routines that are both fun and challenging, suitable for those who enjoy fast-paced, dynamic choreography.

Kids Breaking Classes

Tailored for young enthusiasts, this class introduces kids to the world of breaking. They’ll learn foundational moves like top rock, freezes, and basic power moves. It’s a great way to build physical strength, rhythm, and confidence in a fun and supportive environment.

Kids Hip Hop Classes

This class is all about fun and energy. Kids will learn basic street dance moves and party grooves, encouraging them to express themselves and develop rhythm. It’s a great starter class for young dancers to explore the world of hip hop in an engaging and age-appropriate setting.

Each of these classes is designed to provide a unique and fulfilling experience, ensuring that no matter what your preference or level, there’s a place for you at V-Hub Dance.

Note: Keep in mind that our classes may change. Check out our timetable to see what’s on!

From Hip Hop to Heels: V-Hub Dance in Brisbane offers a wide range of dance styles to choose from.

From Hip Hop to Heels: V-Hub Dance in Brisbane offers a wide range of dance styles to choose from.

Understanding Your Physicality and Fitness Level

Each dance style caters to different physical strengths and abilities. Whether you prefer gentle movements or high-intensity routines, there’s a class that aligns with your physicality.

The Social Aspect of Dance

Dance is also about the community. It’s a chance to meet like-minded individuals, share experiences, and create memories. Consider the social element of each style and how it fits into your social preferences.

Experimenting with Different Dance Styles

The best way to find your style is to try a few. V-Hub Dance offers a welcoming atmosphere for beginners and experienced dancers alike to explore different genres and find what feels right.

The Influence of Dance Environment

A supportive environment like V-Hub Dance plays a crucial role in your dance experience. Our instructors are not just teachers; they’re guides on your dance journey, helping you find your unique rhythm. The dance studio and community you choose have a major influence on your experience, enjoyment and progress.

Deciding on Your Dance Style

Trust your instincts when choosing a style. Remember, it’s about how the dance makes you feel. Allow yourself the freedom to explore and change your preferences as you grow in your dance journey.

Finding your perfect dance style is a journey of exploration and self-discovery. At V-Hub Dance, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Join us and find your rhythm in a style that speaks to you.

Ready to start your dance journey and explore the variety of classes at V-Hub Dance? Sign up for a free trial class today. Your rhythm awaits!

So, you’ve decided to embark on a journey into the wonderful world of dance! Whether you’re a total beginner or have taken some dance classes before, you should know a few things before attending your first class at a new dance studio. Here are seven tips to help you start your dance journey on the right foot.

1. Wear the Right Gear

When you’re in class, it’s important to wear the right gear. Make sure to wear something comfy that you feel comfortable moving in. Your shoes should be enclosed. Sneakers or sports shoes are great. If you are planning to attend a Heels dance class, we suggest well-made heels with ankle support. We recommend VAMP Heels.

2. Bring a Friend

Dance classes are always more fun with friends! While it’s totally cool to come on your own, having a good friend with you may ease the nerves a little the first time round. The great thing about V-Hub is that your first class is free when you claim your free class pass here. So, share the link with some good friends and encourage them to come along.

3. Stay Hydrated

Most of our dance classes here in Fortitude Valley are fast-paced and will probably make you sweat a little! So, be sure to pack a water bottle to stay hydrated. You may also want to bring some easy snacks, like nuts or a muesli bar to keep your energy levels up.

Dance Classes at V-Hub in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane

Get Your First Class FREE

4. Pace Yourself

When you’re new to dance classes, whether it’s Hip Hop, Jazz dance or something else, it’s important to pace yourself. If you try to do too much at once, you’ll likely struggle and may get discouraged. It’s your first class! So, take it easy and allow yourself to move forward one step at a time. Have some fun and move at a pace that feels right for you.

5. Keep an Open Mind

When you first come to dance classes, be flexible and keep an open mind. You may not be able to do everything you see others do, at first. That’s totally okay! We all had to start somewhere and Rome wasn’t built in a day. Try to go with the flow and experiment with the moves you learn to find what works best for you. Remember, it’s not a competition. You are here to have fun and make new friends!

6. Get Started at Home with some Online Tutorials

If you have never attended one of our Brisbane dance classes before, you might want to check out some of these online dance tutorials to try at home. Attending a dance class for the first time can be a little intimidating. We totally get it! Trying out a few moves before your first class (when nobody is watching) might help you get more comfortable moving. That way you know what to expect.

7. Don’t be a Stranger

At V-Hub Dance, we are incredibly passionate about our community and want you to feel right at home from your very first class. Don’t be shy! Come introduce yourself and get to know some of our members and dance teachers. We are all here to have fun, make new friends and grow together. We can’t wait to meet you and vibe out in the Hub together!


Join Vanessa Friscia, founder of V-Hub Dance Brisbane in this Street Style Dance Choreography for beginners.

Level: Beginner
Song: No Guidance by Chris Brown

Performance at WAVES, Season 2 – Choreography by Vanessa Friscia, founder of V-Hub Dance Brisbane.


Filmed & edited by Pru Wilson Photography
Choreography by Vanessa Friscia

I’m not entirely sure how to word this, but I’m going to try.

This piece isn’t about perfect choreography or getting the perfect timing. It wasn’t even necessarily choreographed, most of what you see is us just dancing around to the music and enjoying each other’s company.

No, it’s not perfect. But, being imperfect is perfect enough for me. To me, this song is a celebration of life and an appreciation and acknowledgement of all the hard work, happiness, tears, loss, heartache and passion we experience every day.

I needed to take a moment to celebrate the people that have been with me on my journey. Those who are still close to me, and those who are flying high.

Dancing this piece with my dance partner, Andrew (aka Leafy) was a celebration of the numerous times he has had my back, and I have had his. The countless times we have stood next to each other and without saying anything but knew exactly how we were feeling.

I wanted to say a huge giant fat THANK YOU to LIFE for allowing me to give and receive love.

What are you thankful for?

Dance is the language I speak.

Andrew, thank you for being my best friend.


Filmed & Edited by Nick Robertson
Nick, I came to you with a vision in my head, and I don’t know HOW you did it. But you pulled every image out of my head and captured it perfectly.

Music by Ed Sheeran
Such a talented, special human being.

Vanessa Friscia performing at Mad Dance House Hype Night 2015.

Music: Work Song by Hozier

Choreography: Vanessa Friscia